
Below you can find a number of documents related to our company in a downloadable version. There are all presentations of our company and information materials about our products. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with their content. If you do not find the materials you are looking for, please contact one of our representatives who will be happy to provide the necessary information if it is available.

Business Code of Conduct Rotom

At Rotom we are fully engaged with our Environmental, Social Governance ambitions, this is vocalized in our Business Code of Conduct for our employees around Europe

Business Code of Conduct Rotom Business Code of Conduct Rotom Size: 7.73 MB

Catalogue of logistics product and services 2023

The full range of the Rotom Europe group, which we provide through 26 branches located in 11 European countries. Thanks to this, we provide quick access to all products and services, available exactly where they are needed. Check which service best suits the needs of your company.

Catalogue of logistics product and services 2023 Catalogue of logistics product and services 2023 Size: 8.2 MB